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What Is Ottawa Charter?

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Ottawa Charter

The international conference on Health Promotion was first held on 21st November 1986, presenting the Ottawa Charter for action to attain health for all by the year 2000 and beyond.

The conference was mainly a response to growing expectations for a new public health movement around the world. They focused on needs in industrialized countries but took into account similar concerns in all other regions.

Health Promotions

Health promotion is the practice to make people aware of their health. Health is significant to complete day-to-day tasks or activities. Health promotion is not just a responsibility of the health sector or individual, but it goes ahead with healthy lifestyles. Assignment on Ottawa charter health promotion involves the strict implementation of academic guidelines. Students prefer to take help from an expert to submit an HD quality assignment to attain HD grades.

The essential conditions and resources needed for good health are:

  • Peace
  • Shelter
  • Education
  • Food
  • Income
  • A stable ecosystem
  • Sustainable resources
  • Social justice and equity.

Ottawa Charter Action Areas Examples

Health promotions priority action areas identified in the Ottawa charter are:

  • Build Healthy Building Policy: Health promotion policy combines diverse but complementary approaches, including legislation, taxation, fiscal measures and organizational change. Health promotion policy requires identifying obstacles to adopting public policies in non-health sectors.
  • Create supportive environments – The fortification of the natural and artificial environments and the conservation of natural resources should be addressed in any health promotion strategy.
  • Strengthen community actions – Community development directly depends on existing human and material resources to augment self-help and social support and develop flexible systems to strengthen public participation and direct health matters. This requires full and constant access to information and learning opportunities for health and financial support.
  • Develop personal skills – It enables people to learn to organize themselves for all of its stages, and to deal with chronic illness and injuries is essential. This has to be facilitated in home, school, work and community settings.
  • Reorienting health services – The health sector is rapidly moving in a health promotion direction for providing clinical and curative services.  Reorienting health services requires stronger attention to health research and modifying in professional education and training.
  • Moving into the future – Caring and ecology are critical issues in developing health promotion strategies. A guiding principle must include women and men being equal partners in each phase of implementation, planning, and evaluation of health promotion activities.

Organizations Operating Within Ottawa Charter Principles

Organizations that operate principles of the charter include:

  • Community health services
  • Primary care partnerships
  • A few hospitals
  • Some local governments
  • Some social welfare agencies
  • A few non-government organizations
  • Some peak organizations.

Therefore, making a health promotion assignment requires a great understanding of topics along with well-researched writing skills. Students can take health promotion assignment help from experts where your assignment will be composed with perfection, eligible to score HD grades. So don't overburden yourself with the assignment and hire professional health experts!